Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Under Construction

Just wanted to give anyone that's been reading our blog a heads up that for the next few days things might look a little crazy around here!  Now that we're actually writing on here we're not too fond of the layout and things like that so we're gonna be changing the look.  So hopefully if you've been reading you'll excuse the mess around here! 

On another our church has started a 40 day devotion that involves the entire church doing devotions out of the same book (which the church put together and people from the church are the ones who wrote the devotions) and i don't know about y'all but it feels good to get into a routine of taking time for god every single day!

We both would like to say we do this all the time but we'd be lying.  Our church has been doing this for years now and every year we participate and get so much from it so we want to make it a habit and maybe start posting what we've been reading about.  Kind of like an accountability thing.  So if you have any good books or devotions you recommend would you be so kind and leave a comment :)

And we just wanted to post this one from this past summer because we're just ready for summer!  This winter here has been so mild (which we're glad) but it's been a tease for spring and summer!! These are our three handfuls.
Happy Tuesday y'all!

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