Thursday, February 23, 2012


Well, it's been two weeks since the last time we ran and we've hit a wall AGAIN!!  We have a love/hate relationship with good ol' running and while we want to run on the other hand we don't want to.  Does that make sense?  We got into it last year and stayed pretty dedicated through the summer with some downs but mostly ups.  We were seeing our times increasing so we were encouraged and pumped to keep going but then came the early nights and that's our running time....and we just stopped.  Since mmmm probably December we'll text or call each and say things like "ok we are so running on this and that day and there's no getting out of it."  Well that day will come and go and we'll "pretend" like we forget about it and bring it up the next day.....y'all ever do that about stuff you don't wanna do?  Yeah evidentally we do! :)

So when we srtarted last year we used the Couch25k app on our phones and we loved it so we're gonna start fresh and see if that doesn't get us motivated.  When we first started running we could barely make the first day.  Seriously the running is for like 30 seconds and we were huffing and puffing by the time we were done.....BUT with every week the running time would increase and we would have a hard time at first but it would slowly get easier.  This is where we found our motivation! 

To go from barely running 30 seconds to running the full 30 minutes just makes you feel so good about yourself and overall we felt good about our bodies.  Last summer when going to the beach we hadn't toned up nowhere near as much as we wanted but we rocked our bikinis AND felt like we looked awesome because afterall we were "runners".  So here we are again.  It's almost March already (can you believe it) and we're gonna try our best to get back to being as excited about running this year as we were last year.  We're gonna start fresh next week and this time no backing out.  We're gonna keep record of our progress on here to keep accountable, so we shall see.

These pictures below were from our first 5k last year and just looking at these makes us wanna get back at it because we felt pretty darn good that we were able to we're not saying we didn't stop a few times, feel like we were going to throw up or just down right wanna give up but we finished and NOT last so that's all that matters right!?!

This is Erica, Amanda, Patrice and Aletha before the race.

Everyone needs a picture of their running shoes!

This is the after! Not too bad to have just ran our firt 5k we don't think.

So here's to running y'all!


  1. You guys are awesome! I had not ever been a fan of running until recently. A coworker and I meet up during lunch and are doing the couch to 5k program, too! Slowly but surely, I've developed a love for running. The key for me is also accountability and that's why having a running partner helps so much! You go, I'm excited for you two!!

  2. Pick a race & register for it... It will give you motivation to keep training :)

  3. We've got a race in April that we're using as motivation. Plus we wanna run the Susan G. Komen race this year too....we walked it last year but def. running it this year!
