Friday, August 3, 2012

No We Ain't Photographers

Ha! Thought we'd start off right from the get go just putting that out there. We by no means say we're photographers or that we're great
photographers. It just started out with enjoying taking pictures of our children and then turned into offering to take pictures for our learning experience sooo if you remember our friend Jennifer had her daughter Emma a few months ago we were so anxious to play around with taking pictures of a newborn.
Side note these pictures were taken over a month ago, yeah we're enjoying summer a little too much!;)

Babies change so fast, see all that red hair? Most of it is now replaced with dark brown.

 Does she not have the tiniest feet ever? So tiny we couldn't do both rings on one toe!

She was probably about 5 pounds when these were taken so she was so good
and slept pretty much the entire time!!  We moved her around and into all these positions and it never even phased her a bit...well ok maybe the last picturte!

Yay for Friday!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl

Wow Addison today you turn 3!! Your baby years have flown by so fast it makes me sad! This past year seems like it has flew and you have grown so much!
You have a way to make your daddy, brother and myself laugh because you are silly ALL the time!! I love how you are such a little talker and story teller and the way you have to use your hands when your talking.

Now your temper, yeah we thought that was just a phase the past year but evidentially it's here to stay! Oh boy if your temper stays this way I don't think we'll have to worry about you being around boys when you're
Can for sure hold your own with boys with your little temper and independence you got going on!! Yes your independence drives me crazy right now but it's something I hope you always keep when you are older.

So far this year you have learned to talk up a storm!! When out and about people have been shocked at your age because you talk so well and carry on conversations like a little adult. You've also become potty trained this year which I was a little worried about after the process with your brother but you
took to it and have had a few set backs here and there but other than that you've done great! You've also developed a love for clothes, jewelry and all that girl stuff which has been ALOT of fun and here lately you have become obsessed with babies and the whole being a mommy thing. And last but not least your favorite thing by far is music, whether it's listening to it or singing. I love to secretly listen to you singing and dancing to the radio when you don't know anyone's watching! Your favorite music is by far country and we think it's funny to try to turn the station in the car because you
give us an ear full!!
We love you sweet girl and are so thankful god blessed us with you!!
Love you!

Monday, July 23, 2012

NR update

Hey peeps! Wow the power of prayer gives me chill bumps! NR had her surgery Monday morning at our local children's hospital and She did so great during surgery!!

There was one lump that was what appeared to be pretty big when they did the ultrasound last week. When they got in their today it wasn't as big as what they thought they seen a week ago, still larger then should be but not as big was what they where thinking! PRAISE GOD for that!

They removed two large ones and two smaller ones, and they have been sent off to be tested! They will not know anything until Friday at the earliest!

Please continue to lift this sweet girl up in your prayers along with her parents as they await the results!

Our God we serve is mighty and is the master of healing! He wrapped his arms around NR and her family today and I know her family is so greatful for All your prayers,they could feel them today!

Thanks Again!
Love ya

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Just Running

So besides enjoying summer here's also what we've finally gotten back into!!

We've started doing the couch 2 5k again and with this heat it is kicking our butts!! Just last night we finished week 4 and we run in the afternoons when it's humid as crap so that being said we needed something to motivate us to even keep doing it sooooo as of about two weeks ago we registered for The Color Run in Charlotte!!

We're both so excited we can't stand it!! From what we hear a lot of people just do it for fun and that's our plan! Pretty much what the run consist of is its a 5k and at intervals throughout the race there will be areas where you get nailed with powder paint. Oh yes and one of the rules is you have to wear a white yes its gonna be super messy! We have a few friends that signed up with us too so we plan on just having a good ol' time.

Anybody else out there ever ran the color run? If so we wanna take pictures and it would most likely be with our phones so what's the best phone case that would hold up?
And just so you know we aren't lying about it being hot as you know what here check our this weeks forecast!! We know, we know, we pick the best times to start up running!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

For the love of feet

Happy Monday eve y'all! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Remember to pray for NR as her surgery will be tomorrow morning!

Power of prayer

Hello long lost friends, it has been a while since we have wrote on the blog but with summer underway we have been so busy enjoying our time with our families and friends. Lots of fun activities have taken place this summer so far and we plan on getting you updated one day soon. But first we need a favor!
Both my children attended our church daycare. I have grown to love a lot of the kids in both the boys classes as my own, I get to see them everyday, hear my oldest talking about his buddies in his class and jumps up and down with excitement if we have one over for a play date, see them at birthday parties or out running around on Saturdays. It’s funny how you grow to love these children and I will be very sad when it is “big school” time and they all go their separate ways.
Right now I’m asking for MAJOR prayers for Miller's little friend, (let’s call her by her initials shall we?) NR. NR has been monitored by her Dr. at our local children’s hospital for lumps that have grown on both sides on her neck. This went this week for a follow ultrasound and they have grown in size they wanted them to stay 1cm and hers are now 2.3cm. They will be going in on Monday to remove a few of the lumps and will test them.
NR and her family need our prayers. As humans we question why God would allow something like this to happen to our small children, but us as Christians we place our faith and trust in God that his plan is perfect, and he already proclaimed victory over this.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.- Isaiah 41:10
Pray that God works through the hands of the doctors and nurses that will be caring for NR, pray that her and her family will feel peace of no understanding, pray that the results from the surgery do not indicate further health concerns. I ask that you keep this family in your prayers over the weekend but also if you could smother them on Monday morning. I will keep everyone posted as soon as I can.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. - John 14:27
Ok, can I ask for one more favor? I know I know we have been disconnected from the blog world and I come with two favors but my heart is so heavy and I need help praying.
My friend Amanda’s niece C is back in the hospital. C was put in the hospital a while back with her protein levels being very low, she started swelling up all over. They placed her on meds to see if they would help, the medicine didn’t seem to help much and now she is swollen all over again very badly. Her levels have gotten lower since she has been in the hospital. The team is working hard to run more test and figure out what is going on with this sweet little body of hers. Will you please say an extra prayer for baby C tonight?
My heart has been so broken the past few days and I just feel like I have been screaming out to God for his healing. I may not see God's plan right now but I feel his peace over me that he has his hand on both these sweet girls and their families.

Thanks! Love you all!


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Aiden

Dear Aiden,
Wow, where do I begin? It seems impossible that you are already 6 years old!! You came into this world in your own little time (28 hour labor, 3 of those pushing!) and you still take your time now!! In fact we've given you the name Grandpa because of it!! But that's ok, you've made your on the go mommy slow down and spend more time in the moment like you do!!

You've grown so much in this past year!! You started out kindergarten attached to my leg and the teacher having to pry you off to within a month jumping out the car when I dropped you off without even a look back. I've always said you are my sidekick because before your sister it was always me and you! We did everything together and nothing makes you happier than pleasing your momma. It was evident this year in school because with every accomplishment your teachers always said the first thing you would say is my mom is gonna be so proud of me. I love that you love to make me proud, but a new thing we've tried to teach you this year is it's ok to make mistakes!! You don't have to always worry about making mommy proud. I want you to know that even if you mess up sometimes I'll still love you just the same!!

This year you've also learned a lot of new things and had alot of first. Like riding your bike without training wheels....even though you do have mommys temper and within 2 wipe-outs your screaming for training wheels. You've developed a love for all sorts of little creatures. I always find you outside digging for worms or trying to catch any sort of bug you can get your hands on. You've also lost 3 teeth with the front two teeth recently getting wiggly. I hope they come out at the same time so I can enjoy your toothless grin!

I still can't believe today you are 6! It's crazy how time flies!! Just know that mommy and daddy are so proud of the little guy you're becoming and try to slow down a little. Ever since you started school this year you're in a rush to learn everything all the big kids are doing and I secretly wanna keep you my baby forever!!

Love you Aiden!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Growing Up Too Fast!!

So this weeks been a big one for my little guy with lists of firsts!! He started out the week loosing a tooth. Then in celebration of the end of the year his teacher had a skate party one afternoon for the whole class. This was his and Addisons first time. ThEy both fell....a lot and Aiden was done after about the third fall but Addison just kept going. She loved it!!

Then today was his last day of school!! Can't believe how fast this year has flew by and it's so sad how I've heard once they're in school the time flies and I can only imagine because it seems like yesterday I walked him into that school for the first time!! If you know Aiden he's always been my laid back, shy and quiet one but over the course of the year I'm so proud of how much he's come out of his shell!!!

I'm not gonna lie I'm thinking wow now I'm gonna have 2 kids at home all summer but it's nice to not be rushing every morning and with a kid in school it really feels like its summer once they get out!!! So tomorrow for his first day of summer break Aiden says he wants to make a list of everything he wants to do this summer....this should be interesting but since the entire summer last year I was taking 3 classes I'm determined to get as much out of our summer this year!!