Monday, February 20, 2012


As much as I hate the snow, for the kid's sake I was secretly hoping it would....atleast just a little bit.  Plus if you're from the South you know that even a little bit of snow is a big deal.  I mean yesterday when the news was forcasting the snow everyone went crazy running to the stores for their milk and joke we had to run to store for regular grocery stuff and you would've thought they were predicting a blizzard here!!  Oh well, we didn't get much but it was enough to get the kids excited and was pretty to wake up to!  Stay warm my friends, it's a blizzard out there!:)
This was my oldest, Aiden checking out the snow last night.

I felt so bad but I had to catch this! Aiden pushed her face first into the snow and as you see he's acting as if nothing ever happened.

But then they made up and all was right with the world!

Happy Monday y'all!


1 comment:

  1. I cannot get over how big Addison is getting! It seems just like yesterday you were pushing her in the stroller for the March of Dimes walk. Laekyn talks about Aiden after Church on Wednesday's, ha! Glad you guys enjoyed the snow while it lasted, it sure was beautiful!
