Friday, March 23, 2012

What Have We Been Up To This Week?

Glad today is Friday and we've got pretty and warm weather this weekend!  This past week I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.  Why you ask?  Well between some new things I'm starting as well as Aiden.

After finishing school I would LOVE to work at the hospital primarily in Labor and Delivery so for awhile I had tossed around the idea of volunteering at our local hospital to just get in the environment and watch what the nurses' on that floor get to do.  So I went to my orientation a few weeks ago and then had papers and references to get and Tuesday this week I had to go to an interview.  Yes like similar to an I'm Getting A Job Interview!  They don't play with just letting anyone volunteer there which I understand and actually appreciate.  I go back next week for a 3 hour training and have to get a few TB tests and then I should be good to go!  I told them I was interested in L&D but also wanted to possibly do a little time in the NICU which they said was possible as well.  When they told me what I would do on that floor, one being sometimes helping out by holding a baby the entire time I was sold!  I'm so excited and can't wait to get started.  I've loved staying home with my babies all these years but getting back out makes me feel like a human again!! Any other stay at home moms feel like that?
Now onto Aiden....poor guy has been just as busy but in a good way!!  We decided to sign him up for Tae Kwan Do.  I signed him up without telling him until after the fact and when I did tell him he flipped out!!! I mean screaming and begging me to not take him.  Aiden is so shy and timid at times I knew he was going to lovingly need a push into getting into something like this.  I took him to his first lesson and he LOVED it!!  I mean afterwards he was so proud showing all his new moves it made me feel so good that he's found something he likes and on the same note they are all about teaching manners like yes m'am and no sir that I'm digging it so far.  Last night was his first "group" class before this the other lessons were just one on one to show the basics and I could not quit laughing!!  There are about 10 in his group and they're so tiny out there doing these kicks and punches, it was too cute!

Aiden has classes up to 4 times a week and once my volunteering starts I'll be doing that in the afternoon for a few hours once a week so I think our usual laid back schedule is gonna start getting crazy!  But that's ok, since I've stayed at home the weekends and the weeks just blend together so I actually like the fact that a weekend actually feels like a weekend!



  1. I love the idea of volunteering, and who doesn't love holding babies?! After staying home with Austin for several years, I completely relate. I love homeschooling and being home with him, but sometimes you just need something besides that, something for you.

    He is a total cutie pie in that uniform ;)

    I came over from your facebook. Hope you guys don't mind. Cute blog :)

  2. Thanks! Your little oh my goodness is a cutie too!! Thanks for stopping by! We both actually check on your blog pretty often and you have got the cutest little family!
