Friday, March 2, 2012

Weekend getaway

This post was suppose to be up yesterday (Friday), but for some reason it didn't post, sorry to everyone that kept checking for a post and nothing was there :) hey better late then never right?

This past weekend my handsome hubby and I were able to get away, just the two of us, without kids! We missed our boys VERY much but it was so nice to spend the time away just as husband and wife. We have not been away just him and I since Miller has been born. We have went off with friends and we have had nights that both boys have stayed at my parents but to go out of town over night just Mitch and I has been LONG over due!!

We left Thursday morning and headed to the beach andcame back Sunday afternoon. The ride down was sooo nice, the weather was in the mid 70's (perfect!). It was like we were in high school again we had the music up, windows down, holding hands and singing at the top of our lungs, it was like the old days!

When we got there we unloaded the car and headed for a walk on the beach, We normally go to the beach when it is warmer and there are thousands of people on the beach and kids everywhere, but not this weekend. There was maybe a handful of people on the beach, it felt like it was just us, GOD and his beautiful creation! Very peaceful! That night we got ready and went and had dinner at the best steak house in the world! It was wonderful... Let me say it again WONDERFUL to sit down at the table across from my handsome husband and order my food and eat it without having to entertain children or cut up food or feed the little one!

Friday we were able to sleep in and it was so refreshing! That day was supposed to be rainy all day with storms so we planned on doing a little shopping at the outlets! The day turned out sunny and in the mid 70's so another beautiful day! After shopping and hitting a few of the golf stores ( because I'm a good wife) we decided to go back to the house and make hamburgers and potato skins for dinner, we just relaxed and watched tv together( another thing we don't do much of together).

my cute new toms i got :)

Saturday we were able to get a round of golf in. I used to play alot of golf before I got pregnant with Miller and then I just quit so I borrowed some clubs from a friend and dusted off the ol' golf shoes and off to the course we went! We played the beautiful course of Tidewater, that course is amazing, such a pretty sight.

Mitch played wonderful as always!

And me.....well not so much!

This little guy lives in the pond on the 6th hole, Mitch has always talked about seeing him and this was the first time I got to see him, ( thank goodness for a zoom leans because homeboy freaks me out)

It was great to spend that time with Mitch doing what he Loves!!

We missed our boys and were ready to come home but it was so good to get away with the man I love!! This is something we are going to make a point to do more offton!

What's your plan for this weekend?
Happy Friday Yall
~ Erica

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