Friday, March 9, 2012

It's Finally Friday...

Yes it's finally Friday!!  Both Erica and I have had one of those weeks of being busy busy and just waiting for the weekend for everything to calm down!  She's been busy with work and I on the other hand have been busy getting some things in line for school and trying to start volunteering at our local hospital.

Other than all that my brother got to come home last week and was here until Wednesday.  He's been in the Navy since 2007 and we just don't get to see him very often so it's nice when he does get to come home!!  I hate that he lives so far away.  He's my younger brother and I feel like I've missed out alot on his life the past few years.  He went into the Navy right after we had Aiden so I've been raising children the whole time.  He recently re-enlisted and used to be stationed in Florida but has now been moved to Georgia so he's a tiny bit closer to home. Aiden and Addison go crazy when he comes home because he goofs off with them and he's just cooler than mom and dad apparently!

Here's the ONLY two pictures I got while he was not even being of him but his dog!  I know know super lame but in my defense my allergies were getting the best of me the last few days he was here and I wasn't feeling like doing much of anything!
(I took these on my phone so excuse the graininess plus Addison just can't sit still for more than 5 seconds!)

I had to get a picture of his dog because my parents have had him for the past 2 years so we've all grown attached to him and this trip my brother took him back to live with him again.  Before, he was getting deployed for 8-9 months at a time so my parents took him in so there wouldn't be alot of back and forth for the poor guy but since my brother re-enlisted there he will no longer have to be deployed!

We've got a busy and fun weekend ahead!  Hope everyone has a happy Friday!


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