Where to start? I'm running on very little sleep over the past few days, I'm physically and emotionally drained. If you rememebr a little over a week ago, Mitch, Mom, Baby King and myself made a trip to the local hospital to meet with a Peds. ENT.
The saturday before the meeting with the ENT on Monday we just finished a 10 day med for a double ear infection. 3 days after the consultation King was up all night pulling at his ears. Mitch stayed home with him that Thursday and took him into the Doctor. She said he had a little fluid on the ear, and maybe a little virus. The rest of the day he was perfect, and King slept much better that night. Miller on the other hand was up all night (which he NEVER does) so I stayed out with the Milster on Friday with what I guess was the same bug King had the day before. Saturday we spent the day as a family at Tanglewood park (pictures to come later) ahhhh it was so nice to have the family time. Everyone slept descent that night. We woke up Sunday and headed off to church, when I picked Kingstin up from the nursery I could tell he felt warm (sorry for all the other babies that were in there as well, hope King didn't pass his friendly little germs to you!)
That afternoon King ran a HIGH fever all day, it would bounce between 101-103 all night and on into the night, needless to say that was pretty much a sleepless night for us. I stayed home with him on Monday and decided to call the doctor, she asked me to bring him in she would like to take a look at him, so i got ready and took him in, he had a bad infection in the left ear and a little pink in the right, and what she felt was a virus along with the infections. My first question to her was "will they do the surgery tomorrow?" she really couldn't give me an answer she asked me to come home and place a call to the ENT and let them know what was going on.
I got home and called them and had to wait for a call back! If you're a friend of mine on facebook, from my post you could tell I was a little stressed, the first few went a little something like this:
"Been up all night again with King running a high fever :( don't think it is his ears I'm thinking virus! Please pray that he will VERY soon be better, we have the tube placement surgery tomorrow and not sure if they will do it with a fever :( "
"King has yet another bad ear inf. plus virus! Have to put a call in to the ent to see if she will do the tubes! Pray that she will do the tubes"
"Ok prayer worriers! I have called the ent waiting for them to call back! Please pray fever will stay down and they will do the surgery tomorrow!!!!"
While waiting for the ENT to call I coverd that little man in prayers! I prayed that God would allow the surgery to go on if it was his will. About 45 mins after placing the call, a lovely nurse called me back. I explained everything his Dr. told us eariler and did she think they would do the surgery, she told me he was the first case and needed him to be there at 6:00am. She then told me we need to keep the fever down, she said that he could not eat or drink after midnight but i could give him Tylenol up until 5:00am but the fever needed to be under control.
When I got off the phone with her, I hit the floor and prayed to God that Kings fever would stay down at the temp. it was at that time which was around 100-101. Then i came to my loyal facebook and church friends and asked them to pray.
"As of right now the surgery is on! He is the first case and has to be at the hospital at 6:00am!
Pray that he only gets better tonight!"
Boy did they pray, I could feel the peace, then the night fell and his temperture went up, right up to 103 and it wasn't coming down, I stripped him down to diaper only, made sure his room was nice and cool, and did some more prayering over him, and asked one more favor from my pray worriers.
"Will everyone please stop and take a sec and pray for my baby king, Dr. Oked surgery tomorrow if fever is under-control, well his fever is back up high again! He needs this surgery and the devil is working! Please pray!"
By this time I was mad, and upset and I was allowing the devil to attack me. I didn't sleep much at all last night, I was getting up every thirty minutes to check his temp. with my cool little
TEMPORAL TERMOMETER (ooo you have to buy one of these if you dont have one, well worth every penny!!!!)
His fever stayed right around 102.5 or so. I was sick I knew he needed this surgery and I just knew in the back of my mind they weren't going to do it.
We got the boys up at 5:20 and I took Kingstins temp just one more time, it was 102.4. I was so upset. We loaded the boys up in the car and Mitch started to back out and then stopped and threw the car in park. I looked over at him and he had his head bowed and started praying out loud (I love that man) he prayed such the perfect prayer, his King, his fever, the Dr's and the nurses, he reached over and grabbed my hand and we where off to the hospital. We got there and found my mom, dad and mother-in-law waiting for us. We checked in and went to sit down and I pulled out my handy thermometer , I scanned his little forhead and BAM 100.00 NOT 102, not 101....BUT 100 I couldn't help but to run and tell Mitch, God heard me, God heard all my fellow prayer worriers, it was like God told me "Erica do not worry about tomorrow, I got this" it was an awesome God moment, AWESOME I'm telling ya.
It wasn't 5 mins later they took us back, to the holding room, we met with the Dr, three nurses and the anesthesiologist, and I heard the words i wanted to here, HE IS CLEAR FOR SURGERY! They told us to say our see ya later, and give kisses, the OR was ready for him, Mitch and I leaned in kissed that little cool forhead and handed him over, he did sooo good didn't even cry now me on the other hand....we will just not touch that subject :) here are a few pictures of him before he went back!

It only was about 30 Min. total and the doctor came out, she said everything went prefect and she cleaned out alot of infection in both ears (poor buddy), and then i was able to go back and see him, the nice nurse was rocking my sweet baby when I got back there, he was drinking apple juice and life seemed great. It was about three mins and all hell broke loose. He went crazy screaming uncontrollable, wouldnt drink anything and NOTHING would make him happy, after about 30 mins of that the Dr. came and ordered a shot to calm him down. When the shot was given, they allowed Mitch to come back with us and life was good, King was happy and feeling better.
We got home and got him settled and and he napped for a while,he even played a little!
That Afternoon I was outside pulling weeds out of the flower bed and I came in to get a drink of water Mitch was laying on the couch with king on his chest, the baby was only in a diaper Mitch had the fan spinning full blast and he said to me "he won't lift his head, he won't eat, he hasn't drank, and he feels like he is burning up! Should we call the Dr.?" I took his tempture and it was 103.9 ahhhhh I all but did have a panic attack not one of my kids had ever had a fever that high! I called our regular Dr. (gosh I love them all there) and they told me I needed to bring him to the ER! I then called the number the nurse gave me to call if I had any question post surgery, they told me to get him there now!
We threw it all together and off we where to the hospital! I posted on my Facebook for everyone to pray and yet again with out a doubt I could feel them! We got there and his fever was 104 they gave him meds before we even got checked into a room to
See a Doctor! We met with the Dr. And he felt like it was post surgery reaction which don't happen much (leave it to my kid) on top of having Infection in his ears before surgery and throw a little virus into the mix! But he was not happy about the fact that all he drank that day was a little apple juice that morning after surgery! We tried every cup in the hospital every drink the offer (even soda) with sureng, straw, nothing...I was so worried they where going to IV him and pump water into him! The kindness nurse walked bye seen the stress on my face and asked of she could help I told her what was going on and she said she would be right back! She walked back in the with a Popsicle, she took king and was able to get him to take a few licks of it! We kept trying and he would take a lick here and there (every little bit counts) the dr came in and took his temp! It was down to 100! Praise God! Miller stayed with my parents and Mitch and i went home, gave king more meds and put him to bed! We held hands and prayed as a couple, low and be hold to no surprise God shine is grace on us again, king remained fever free all night without meds thank you Jesus!!!!
Wednesday was a much better "back to normal day" We took him to the dr yet again because he had a rash on his belly, but she said it is Just a rash from the high fever and his eczema fled up!
Thank you all from the bottom of our heart for your prayers for my little baby boy!
God is good all the time! All the time God is good!!
Love y'all Erica