Thursday, April 19, 2012

Surgery and Stomach Bugs

Well as of yesterday Erica had to head to the ER for at first what she thought was a stomach bug.  Let me start off my saying she at first thought this because holy cow there is one going around our church and church daycare!  Erica and I help with a kids class at our church on Wednesday nights so while Erica was at the hospital last night I along with our friend Kristie still took on the three year olds.  I didn't know before getting there that there had been a stomach bug going around....but I shortly found out after I was thrown up on...or should I say my Toms were thrown up on!  So I told Erica just think about it while she was at the hospital throwing up I was being thrown up on! Nice huh.  After I got home last night I couldn't help but to laugh at how crazy the afternoon at church ended up being. 

So fast forward to today they ended up keeping Erica overnight at the hospital because they determined it was her gallbladder that was causing her so much pain and it needed to go!!  While they were at it they also decided to take out her appendix too.  So while Aiden was at school today Addi girl and I went to visit Erica!!

We couldn't quit laughing at this little sponge thing she had to use to moisten her mouth since she wasn't allowed any food or liquids.

This was me and Addison's attempt at frownie faces!

Erica's surgery is scheduled for 5:00 and they took her down for prep around 3:30.  Pray for the surgeons and peace for her.  This is her first surgery so I know she was a little nervous, I would be too.  Also pray for a quick recovery as I'm sure she's ready to get home to her boys!

One more day and it'll be the weekend!  Happy Thursday everyone!


1 comment:

  1. Oh I hope Erica is feeling much better now, and is having a fast recovery!

    We have been battling the stomach bug around here too.. Austin had it a few weeks ago. No fun :( Especially cleaning it up.. and off your shoes.. yuck.
