Friday, June 8, 2012

Growing Up Too Fast!!

So this weeks been a big one for my little guy with lists of firsts!! He started out the week loosing a tooth. Then in celebration of the end of the year his teacher had a skate party one afternoon for the whole class. This was his and Addisons first time. ThEy both fell....a lot and Aiden was done after about the third fall but Addison just kept going. She loved it!!

Then today was his last day of school!! Can't believe how fast this year has flew by and it's so sad how I've heard once they're in school the time flies and I can only imagine because it seems like yesterday I walked him into that school for the first time!! If you know Aiden he's always been my laid back, shy and quiet one but over the course of the year I'm so proud of how much he's come out of his shell!!!

I'm not gonna lie I'm thinking wow now I'm gonna have 2 kids at home all summer but it's nice to not be rushing every morning and with a kid in school it really feels like its summer once they get out!!! So tomorrow for his first day of summer break Aiden says he wants to make a list of everything he wants to do this summer....this should be interesting but since the entire summer last year I was taking 3 classes I'm determined to get as much out of our summer this year!!

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