Sunday, July 22, 2012

Just Running

So besides enjoying summer here's also what we've finally gotten back into!!

We've started doing the couch 2 5k again and with this heat it is kicking our butts!! Just last night we finished week 4 and we run in the afternoons when it's humid as crap so that being said we needed something to motivate us to even keep doing it sooooo as of about two weeks ago we registered for The Color Run in Charlotte!!

We're both so excited we can't stand it!! From what we hear a lot of people just do it for fun and that's our plan! Pretty much what the run consist of is its a 5k and at intervals throughout the race there will be areas where you get nailed with powder paint. Oh yes and one of the rules is you have to wear a white yes its gonna be super messy! We have a few friends that signed up with us too so we plan on just having a good ol' time.

Anybody else out there ever ran the color run? If so we wanna take pictures and it would most likely be with our phones so what's the best phone case that would hold up?
And just so you know we aren't lying about it being hot as you know what here check our this weeks forecast!! We know, we know, we pick the best times to start up running!

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